21 Marketing-Ideen für den Verkauf von Immobilen

Marketing ist ein wichtiger Teil des Immobilienverkaufs. Sie wollen sicherstellen, dass Sie die richtige Marketingstrategie anwenden, um die richtigen Kunden für Ihr Unternehmen zu finden. Aber was tun Sie, wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie Sie die Dinge in Schwung halten können? Wir haben eine Liste mit 21 Ideen für die Vermarktung Ihrer Immobilie zusammengestellt, also lesen Sie weiter!

1) Eine Präsenz in den sozialen Medien einrichten

Beim Immobilienmarketing geht es nicht nur darum, eine Anzeige in der Zeitung zu schalten. Soziale Medien sind eine großartige Möglichkeit, deinen Namen bekannt zu machen und mit potenziellen Kunden in Kontakt zu treten!

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest – es gibt heutzutage so viele Möglichkeiten, wenn es um Social Media Plattformen geht. Welche solltest du also nutzen um dein Haus zu verkaufen? Hier sind einige Ideen:

a) Facebook – Hast eine Zielgruppe, die Facebook liebt? Wenn ja, lohnt es sich auf jeden Fall, ein Konto einzurichten. Mit dem Facebook Audience Network kannst du die richtige Zielgruppe für dein Objekt finden.

(b) Pinterest – Pinterest ist eine besonders tolle Plattform für diejenigen, die Immobilien verkaufen. Das Äußere und Innere eines Hauses kann in einem Pinterest-Post wie in einem Exposé gezeigt werden und potentielle Käufer werden sich in die Immobilie dank der Bilder verlieben.


2)Halte persönliche Veranstaltungen ab

Du bist kein Fan von Social Media? Warum nicht ein Event im echten Leben veranstalten, zu dem Interessenten gehen können? Dies ist ein hervorragender Weg, um Neuigkeiten über Deine Wohnungen und Häuser zu verbreiten und Community-Verbindungen aufzubauen. Bei einem Glass Sekt oder einer Tasse Kaffee, können Kunden ihre Bedürfnisse äußern und du kannst deine Immobilien anbieten.

3) Biete Videotouren durch die Immobilie an

Dies ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, tolle Eigenschaften zu zeigen und mit potenziellen Käufern in Kontakt zu treten. Sie können einen kostenlosen Dienst wie YouTube oder Facebook Live nutzen, um die Tour aufzunehmen und hochzuladen. Sie können das Video auch auf ihrer Webseite posten, damit die Besucher es sehen können.

4) Erstellen Sie eine interaktive Webseite

Das Internet ist ein großartiger Ort für potentielle Käufer, um sich Häuser anzuschauen. Warum nicht eine Website erstellen, auf der die Betrachter in Ruhe stöbern können? Das ist auch hilfreich für Ihre Mittarbeiter, da sie nach Bedarf Objekte hinzufügen und entfernen können.

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Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 6

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 7

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 8

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 9

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 10

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 11

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 12

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 13

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 14

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 15

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 16

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 17

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 18

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 19

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!

Headline 20

Blog Intro Lorem Ipsum is the industry’s standard dummy text. It has been a type specimen book since 1500s when an unknown printer scrambled it to make one and nobody knows what that original word was supposed to be, so it became Lorem ipsum instead of something meaningless like ‚test‘.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for printing typesetters which they use as a placeholder in their compositions until real words are ready. The reason why this particular passage of scratchy nonsense persists today isn’t because people needed more filler at some point but rather due to the fact that no-one actually bothered removing all those pages from the Gutenberg Bible after Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden got his hands on them back in 1454!
